Convert EXE to APK

How to Convert EXE to APK (Windows file to Android)

If you’re looking to convert your exe files to apk files, then you’re on the right destination because today we are going to be showing you guys the best method of How to convert Exe to Apk. Windows have some outstanding software which can only be run on PC, and unfortunately, the android phone can only run APK file. But there’s nothing to worry because this guide will help you in achieving what you’re striving for.

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Everybody wants to enjoy that software which we run on windows on their android phones because windows software are second to none and there’s only one way that you run them on your android phones which is converting the exe file to apk. So, let’s get started with the method!

Method of How to Convert Exe to Apk

You have to stay focused when doing these steps because it’s not a joke. You’ll find many other ways of converting the exe file to apk but which we are discussing here will work 100%, and it is super easy. Just follow the steps, and you’ll end up using the exe file in your android phone.

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1. The first step is very simple; if you’re using the internet, then you’d be able to download the software named as Change my Software (Exe to Apk Converter). All you have to do is to go to their website and download the software with a single click, and you’re done. The file will be downloaded swiftly or tortoise-like speed depending upon your internet connection.

Convert EXE to APK
Convert EXE to APK

2. The second step is to make sure that your download is complete and you’re ready to execute it for the installation purpose. Now extract the files to anyone of the folders into your computer or make a new folder for Change my Software and extract the files there. Once the files are extracted, you’ll witness an application named as Exe to Apk converter tool.

3. Now double click on the Exe to apk Converter Tool and then you don’t have to click on Next & Next button which means that the software is portable and you have to follow other steps for the installation purpose.

4. Now once the application is open, you will be shown two options; I have a setup file, and I have a portable application, and you have to select the second option because we are going for portable application in order to convert exe to apk. Here’s the screenshot of what to select

5. Once you move to the next step, then you’ll be shown a button of Convert Now, and you have to click on it in order to convert the file.

6. Now browse the file which you want to convert from exe to apk and make sure the right file is inserted in the software. Here’s the screenshot.

7. The process then takes a few time, and you have to be very patient because the conversion may take a lot of time to convert exe to apk.

8. When everything is done, you’ll be shown a notification which probably contains a message of Your file has been converted or with a message your file isn’t converted.

9. If your file is converted then make sure to connect your phone and transfer the file into it.

10. Once the file is transferred, run the apk file on your android phone, install it and then enjoy using it on your phone.

Why want to convert Exe to Apk?

Convert EXE to APK
Convert EXE to APK

That’s a question which most of the people asking for before converting the files. The answer is, there are some top-notch software which can only be run on the windows and you can’t use them directly on your phone.

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You can’t render the big screen software directly into your android phones because your android phone only accept apk file and you have to convert exe to apk in order to make sure that it works properly on your phone.

You can’t just use an emulator on your phone to run the exe files because there’s no emulator like Bluestacks for phones, unfortunately. But there are some tools which can convert your exe file to apk file so that you can use the software as an application on your phone. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll up and see the method of how to convert exe to apk. You’re going to love it.

In a Nutshell

We have discussed the best method of converting your computer files to android files, and now you can enjoy the software as an application on your phone. We really hope that this method has helped you in achieving what you’re striving for.

If you have any questions regarding the above topic, then feel free to comment down below because we will try to reach you in a flash and then answer your question. And don’t forget to share the article with your friends if this method has worked for you.

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