How To Fix Steam Error Code 80 | Complete Guide
So, are you facing the problem steam error code 80 when going live on the steam for gaming purposes? We know that it’s irritating. But you’re not alone because a lot of other people are facing this issue and they are fed with this. You don’t have to worry about it, we have got your back and you now solve this matter within no time.
You can fix this method on your own and you don’t have to go through any kind of complications before solving steam error code 80 this issue. The error may come up because you’ve tested a few things that needed default settings. Let’s get started with solutions.
Table of Contents
Everything you need to know about steam error code 80
So, keep yourself tight and focused because we are about to break down everything regarding the topic steam error code 80. Follow every method to get the desired results.
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Restart your computer
Yeah, many times the problem we are facing is because your computer isn’t responding well to the command that we are performing. It just needs a restart of the computer to fix a lot of problems for you. To do the restart perfectly, here’s what you’ve to do.
- Open the steam application and check if it’s showing you the error steam error code 80
- If it’s showing you the error, then don’t worry close the application
- Now go to the start button at the left bottom corner and click on it
- Click on the restart button now and all the running application shall be closed and your computer is going to be restarted
- Once the computer is restarted and then launch the steam application again
- Start going live on steam and play your games, you won’t be facing the error steam error code 80 again
Isn’t this method is easy and worth giving a try? Try this method and let us know in the comment section.
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Remove the “READ ONLY” settings of the steam folder
A lot of times this problem comes up to your screen because you’re not paying attention to the “READ ONLY” option that windows have given to this folder. So, you need to turn off the read-only option from the folder and let everything settled down. To disable these settings, you’ve to follow the instructions that we will be providing you down below. Don’t worry, here’s how you can do it.
- The first step is to go to the folder where you’ve installed steam
- Now once you reach that place, right-click on the steam folder and you’re going to see the “properties” button, click on it. Like it is shown in the screenshot:
- Now once you click on the Properties button, then it will show you a lot of settings, a new tab is going to open in front of you and it has the following settings like it’s shown in the screenshot:
- Now uncheck the read-only option and then click on the OK button, you’re going to save the settings by click on the OK button. Now go to the steam folder again and launch the application
- You won’t be able to see the application showing you the steam error code 80 again
Isn’t the method that we have a break down is easy to follow? It is going to work 100% for you and we assure you that you’re not going to face the problem again. Do you want us to break down another method? Don’t you worry, here’s what you have to do next?
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Update your drivers
Updating the drivers can help you solve your problem within a fraction of seconds because we have seen many people complaining about steam error code 80, but once they reinstall the drivers or updated them, they no longer commenting on this error and doing the streaming as they used to do before.
- The first step is to uninstall the drivers by going to your windows folder
- Once you uninstall the drivers, then go to the driver’s folders that you’ve saved in your computer
- Now install the drivers again one by one and then restart your computer
- If that’s done, launch the application now, you won’t be facing the problem again.
Find this method complex? Don’t worry we have got your back. Here’s what you can do to let your problem solve in an easy way possible.
- First of all, open your browser and then head towards the address bar and then type “driver easy”
- It will take you down to the official website of driver easy, and you can download this tool
- Once the tool is downloaded, you can open it and scan your computer for the drivers that they need
- Not only it will show you the drivers that are installed but also some drivers that require the updation and reinstallation
- Update your drivers or reinstall them, you’re done
- Now open your steam once again and try running the game again, we assure you that you’re not going to face the problem steam error code 80 again.
Also check: How To Fix Twitch Error 5000
Did you like the article about solving the problems of steam error code 80? You must have because it has all the research work that requires to solve the problem. Do you have any questions in your mind regarding the problem steam error code 80? Feel free to comment down below, we will try to reach you as soon as possible and shall answer your query as well.
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