Could not connect to repository

Could not connect to repository Kodi error | Step by Step Solution

When using Kodi, may have seen problems showing up on the screen and the most common issue Kodi users are facing these days is; Could not connect to repository. So, if you’re facing the same problem then you don’t have to worry about because we have completely got your back and have a complete research on check the log for more information error. So, scroll down to see the methods of removing this error.

But before going to the method read Fix Kodi Playback Failed Error in just 2 minutes – Complete Guide this complete guide on another Kodi problem.

Methods of fixing could not connect to repository error

So, there are many methods on the internet which you’re going to find out but what is different here is that we share only authentic methods to overcome your problem. So, without wasting further time let’s rock and roll to the solution of could not connect to repository error.

Could not connect to repository
Could not connect to repository

1. Check your Internet Connection

The first method is checking your internet connection; yes we know you might have checked the internet connection before reaching out us but there are few complications which you need to check in the internet connection. Following are the things which you must look for when checking the internet connection.

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  • Check your internet router if it’s working fine or not- If the router is working fine, then you need to go to the next method straight away.
  • If your internet isn’t working then check out the firewall settings, turn the firewall on if it’s off or turns it off if it’s on. Your internet connection is going to get into a working stage.
  • Trying troubleshooting the problem through windows and your internet is going to get started
  • Now the last thing which you need to do and which is very common as well, try restarting your internet router and it will start working

Well, if you’ve had an internet connection and your problem is solved then congratulations. You’re welcome to skip the next parts and enjoy using Kodi. But if the problem still exists then scroll down for more methods.

2. Check the Weather Repo is down or not

Since you’ve checked everything regarding Kodi, there might be a possibility that there’s some problem with your Repo. Your Repo might be down and that’s why we are being shown a message could not connect to repository error and it can be done by taking many measurements. All you’ve to do is to open your browser and type Repo and press enter. If the repo page is opening, then there’s no repo problem but if the there’s nothing showing up, then it means that repo is down.

The problem can be solved automatically because Repo is down for the maintenance or there may be server down for a while. So, you’ve to wait for a while and your problem could not connect to repository error shall go the next minute.

3. Check the Source Link

Checking the source link can solve your problem “could not connect to repository” because if your internet is working fine, and you’re not facing the repo issue as well then there might be an issue with the source link which you’re entering in the browser. Check the link and then press the enter button, you surely going to solve the issue.

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Double-check the URL because you might have entered the wrong spelling or wrong repository URL. So checking the source link might solve your problem.

4. Update your Kodi

If you’re facing the problem even after going through all the methods which we have discussed above, then you’ve to update your Kodi in order to fix the problem. So, if you don’t know how to update your Kodi then following are the steps which can help you in updating your Kodi. Here we go!

  • First of all open Kodi and then go to the system
  • In the system, go to the settings of Kodi
  • Now choose the version in the settings and you’ll see the update Kodi button
  • Click on the update Kodi button and it will download the new updates for you
  • Once all the updates are installed, you’ll have to restart Kodi and then check for the problem
  • We are sure that your problem is gone.

If you’re finding this way difficult for the updating purpose, then you’ve to delete the current version of Kodi and download the latest version and then login to your account. Your problem “could not connect to repository” shall go away in a minute.

5. Check Network Settings

Now then, the last method of checking for the error could not connect to repository is checking the network settings. There might be a case with your network settings because if everything above is great then you might be facing issues with network settings issue. All you’ve to do is to go to the network settings of your PC and then resetting all the PC network settings and you’re done.

Your problem could not connect to the repository is gone now.

Let’s go through the frequently asked questions about the Kodi issue and scroll down to see all of them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are the FAQs which are must-read after you finish reading Kodi problem.

1. Can we update Kodi without downloading the latest version from the official website?
Yes, we can. You can go to the settings>select the version>Update the Kodi. It will take some time depending upon your internet connection and the latest updates are going to install.

2. Is there any alternative for Kodi?
No, because Kodi is the best platform among all the platforms on the internet.

3. How many people are using Kodi nowadays?
There are millions of people who are using the Kodi, and they are enjoying using this.

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