GreatPeople.Me Login and Sign Up | Complete Guide
Well, is an online portal designed for the employees working under Kroger Inc. Online portals are actually designed for the convenience of the workers and staff member that is working with those companies. You can relate theirs eases with the home-based schedule information, working hour details, info about their payrolls and much more.
Recently we have published many articles on different portals that were actually designed for the employees and proved useful. So today we will also discuss another portal of the employees, which is how to login to this portal! How we can sign up for this portal! And much more excited. So stay connected and read humbly.
First of all I’ll introduce you with the source of this portal, I mean first we have to know the background of that company which has been introduced this portal for their employees. So anybody of you have any clue about Kroger Inc.? No? Okay, don’t worry I’ll tell you all. 😉
Table of Contents
Introduction To Kroger Company (
Kroger was founded in 1883 with its control center situated in Ohio, USA. It is one of the biggest supermarket chains in the USA with over 2,700 branches all over the world. Kroger runs around 24 standards with the help of more than 430,000 employees. Kroger tracks several store setups to fulfill the essentials of their clients.
Kroger Outlets And Stores:
Kroger is offering its services in the following outlets such as: department stores, supermarkets, superstores, pharmacies, convenience stores, and jewelry shops as well.
There are millions of employees working under this company, and for their management, this company has decided to initiate a step of developing a portal for their employees. So through this, they can easily deliver their orders and schedules to their employees and employees also have the benefit of checking their work schedules, payment info and their whole work record via this portal. Well for login they must have to enter their credentials first then they can be able to proceed further. So I decided to write a complete guide for you so that you can easily qualify this procedure at your own. First we will discuss the Login Procedure. Understood? Okay, let’s start. 😉
Kroger GreatPeople.Me Login Process
So before starting this procedure, make sure you are a current employee of Kroger and have all the credentials. Otherwise you cant login to this or get any info. Well now follow the steps one by one and apply practically so that you can remember later. First Choose the laptop or phone from where you want to login your account. Kroger Login on Computer
- Now open the web browser of your phone or laptop.
- There you need to enter the official website of this portal.
- follow this link in the URL section of your browser to get into login page.
- There you will see the page like this.
- Now enter your Enterprise User ID first in the blank space.
- Next enter your password in the next space.
- Remember that all the details will be provided to you by your company manager.
- Now click to remember my ID, so you don’t need to enter this all next time you want to open.
- And at last, tap the Sign In.
So that were all about the login process, hope so I’ll be useful to you. Forgot Password or User Id Recovery
Most of the people forgot their password or user id at the time, so during that moment you don’t need to be panic because it’s not that much-complicated issue, you can easily recover this all. Just follow these below mentioned basic points to overcome it.
Initially you people have to open the browser and simply visit the official website of the portal as There you must see the option of password help and user id help as seen in below image.
- Remember that in case you forget your User Id, you can your id only through contacting your manager because it’ll be only one throughout your job, you can’t change that.
- Next, if you forgot your password, then tap on the password help there.
- Now enter your User Id and click next.
- And fulfill the further required credentials, and you’ll be able to set your new password now.
Hope these points will be enough to make you understand everything about password recovery clearly! Login on Mobile Device
You can also login via mobile, and the good thing is that procedure is the same for both. Just set your web browser first and then follow the steps to access your account of portal.
1: On first, you could visit the original login page of Great people online account, for that you have to open your web browser and then copy and paste this at the URL space and tap enter and go to this address.
2: Now you will enter the login page of online account. If you are a member of, you must have the Enterprise User ID of your online account. So, just put your Enterprise User ID in the first box. Then include your password next and click on the Sign In button.
Great, you’re done! So this was all about the login procedure of, I hope this might be helpful to you.
Some Great Features of Employee Login Portal:
There are a lot of great features of portal, we have discussed a few of them below:
1. Brings employees together:
Through this platform, employees of this company get in touch with each other and able to share info about the company that will assist in their work. Every person gets to know each person and nobody stays an unfamiliar in the organization. This portal aids in evolving a kind of community in the working area and workers become more relaxed with each other.
2. Passing of information:
With a stage like this, passing on of info gets easier and the work proficiency also rises. Staffs recognize better about the work that has to be done and what has already been done. The probabilities of misunderstandings getting decrease and everything goes on more efficiently. Through this platform, it can also be used to share work schedules or make an important notice. The managers don’t need to mail every employee separately, while, just put the info on and that will be enough to proceed further to employees.
3. Profile details:
When a new employee start his job with the company, he can check through the website and get to know every single detail about his new job. He would be able to get the details of his work and can clear any uncertainties of his mind. They will not have to worry about finding the right person to talk to about such stuff.
4. Accessible to all employees:
One of the finest things about is that all the employee of the company plus the ones working for the store or handling the association becomes a part of this platform. Not any one person is left outside so that any detail being passed on will touch each and every associate of the company.
Contact Information of
You can also contact the client help service at 1–800–952–8889 or 1-800-576-4377. Say ‘secret word’ or press ‘20’ when asked, at that point remain hanging in the balance for help. For the security of your record, you should call from your working area to have a secret word reset.
Final Words
We tried our best to convey you a complete and easy guide on, still if you find any difficulty you can freely ask us and can share your reviews. We will try our best to respond to you with the best info and useful details. Otherwise have a look above one and good luck! 🙂
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