How Do I Delete My Listing On Depop | Complete Guide 2022
How Do I Delete My Listing On Depop? Deleting a Depop listing is quite simple, and I’ll teach you how to do it today if you’re certain that’s whatever you want!
I’ll also teach you how to disable a Depop listing, which is an alternative to removing a Depop listing. You can declare your Depop listing inactive rather if you need extra time to consider if you actually need to erase it.
So let’s get started and see what actually works best for you!
Table of Contents
Method | How Do I Delete My Listing On Depop:
To remove a Depop listing, follow these simple steps:
- Step 1: Just go to the top right-hand corner of the application and launch it. There will be three dots there. Toggle between the dots.
- Step 2: The dashboard will now provide a variety of options. You’ll have to scroll to the bottom a little to find the “remove things” button. This should be clicked.
- Step 3: Choose the listing you want to remove and hit the delete button. If it prompts you for verification, simply select the accept option.
Your listing has been removed from the application.
Steps | How Do I Delete My Listing On Depop:
If you’d want to disable a Depop listing, follow the instructions:
- Locate the three dots (…) in the upper right corner of the Depop application.
- Toggle between the dots.
- Next, on my smartphone (note: I have an iPhone), a pop-up box will appear. Click the Marked item as a sold button.
- Continue reading to learn how to revive your Depop listing.
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Steps | To Reactivate A Depop Listing Or Make It Back Active:
- To revive or make an existing Depop listing active
- Locate the three dots (…) in the upper right corner of the Depop application.
- Toggle between the dots (…).
- And after that, on my smartphone, a pop-up box appears (note: I have an iPhone)
- Then choose Edit Options from the drop-down menu.
- You’ll have to change the size as well as the registered trademark.
- Lastly, you’ll press the Submit Listing button.
- Note: Whenever you activate the product after marking it sold as in the sample above, the size & Registered Trademark will vanish, and you’ll have to fill them both in again.
When to deactivate a Depop listing vs delete a Depop listing
This is a handy way to rapidly disable an item, particularly if you’re cross-selling that and have a sale waiting on some other network that you would not want to cancel till the transaction takes place, etc.
This occurred to me once when I sold a set of antique pants on Poshmark, and the buyer refunded them since they didn’t fit properly. Poshmark permitted this customer to return the product regardless of the fact that I had stated the specifications.
That once product sold on Poshmark, I removed my Depop listing. And I had to recreate the advertising from the start, while I would not have had to do just that if I could have just listed it as sold.
The shorts were purchased on Depop for the requested amount within 2 weeks, which was a nice conclusion for me.
As a result, the lesson of the tale is that there are situations where you can just remove a Depop listing.
Although, there are occasions when removing a Depop item is unnecessary, and you may just disable it using the techniques provided today.
Video Guide | How Do I Delete My Listing On Depop:
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How can you get Depop validated?
Keep a 4.5-star overall average rating for your customers by providing a fantastic client experience. Make absolutely sure you’re a great seller with a solid track record and that your profile is free of recent infringements.
What are the best-selling items on Depop?
Chiara Ferragni is an Italian fashion designer. Chiara Ferragni, aka The Blonde Pasta, is among Depop’s most popular users. She has over 1.7 million Instagram followers and frequently offers J Brand jeans as well as seasonal products. Her articles are diverse in style, and she has a knack for presenting garments in the most flattering light.
Is Depop difficult to sell on?
Depop is an online market & social networking network for reselling clothing, cosmetics, and paintings. Although selling on Depop may not be as difficult as selling on other online markets such as eBay and Amazon, there are some considerations to make.
To begin, double-check that your membership is properly set up and that your biography is accurate. Provide high-quality images and a detailed account of what you’re offering.
What’s the best frequency for me to post on Depop?
Depop should be updated at least weekly and not over three times per week. Your fans may grow frustrated or confused if you publish too frequently, and they may quit watching you. You may well not receive as many orders or subscribers as you would want if you ever do not publish frequently sufficient.
When is the ideal time to publish on Depop?
Because what helps for one individual may not function for the other, there is no single definitive solution to this topic. However, posting when your intended audience would be most expected to be available is a good guideline. If you’re seeking young folks, for instance, post in the evenings or on weekends.