Limo Anywhere Login

Limo Anywhere Login | Limo Anywhere SignUp

Limo Anywhere (Limo Anywhere Login) is a huge transport web that benefits workers’ grow. This is a stretchy stage for planning, booking, dispatch, and reservation handy from anywhere. Bring about and screen trips with ride managing toolkit, schedule and assign trips, send messages to drivers, track trips in real-time. Ensure that you deliver your clients with an individual approach by keeping all their data and likings in one place.

Limo Anywhere Login
Limo Anywhere Login

Let your clients log from anywhere, check prices, confirm handiness, and receive status updates. Notify your drivers about new trips in one click with shove updates, keep track of drivers’ location in real-time, shape better pathway directions. Manage charges and permit drivers to process credit cards from their car. 

Limo Anywhere Login

Above we have discussed about the Limo Anywhere, now we will discuss that how Limo Anywhere Login and what will it reward you after getting access. Let’s start then, now I will you describe you step by step guide of Limo Login. Stay focused:

  • First of all turn on the PC or your phone from where you want to login there.
  • Now open the fastest available web browser in your system.
  • Good thing is that Limo anywhere has also launched the Limo Anywhere application especially for phone.
  • But after opening web browser, visit the official website or app.
  • Here you have to mention your Company ID, Username and Password.
  • Mention your credentials in the given spaces. And click tick on remember me option.
  • Now tap the login button.
  • This were all about the login procedure of Limo Anywhere.
  • Same procedure will be followed at Limo Phone App.

How Limo Anywhere Works?

The Limo Anywhere Mobile application permits workers to make and manage appointments and message using a mobile device. Workers can log in to portal by using their current identifications they use to log in via the desktop or web point for Limo Anywhere. Here to login you need to first enter your Company ID, then enter your Username, then password and at last tap to login button to get access directly.

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Some of the important terms that smear to accounts in Limo Anywhere.

  • Account – An Account can be either a Billing Contact only, Passenger only, Booking Contact only, or a Billing Contact or Passenger.
  • Billing Contact – This is the person that would receive an charge for a Passenger(s) that received the service. Billing Contacts can have multiple Booking Contacts or Passengers.
  • Passenger – This is the account type of the person that will ride in the car. A Passenger can be related with only one Billing Contact.
  • Booking Contact – This is the account type for a person that arranges trips for Passenger(s). A Booking Contact can be link with only one Billing Contact.

How to check Reservations?

The Reservations screen will display any appointments that have not been shipped (offered to Driver or trip in progress) for a selected date array and status. Use the Filter to pass up Status and Dates screen.

You can click on reservation to see more details or you can also edit the reservation.

How to Create a New Reservation?

Now we will see the procedure that how can we create the new reservation at Limo anywhere, take a look step by step to make it easy:

  • First of all open the application of Limo anywhere or your account by logging in.
  • Tap the create button but to create a new reservation, this will take you to the new ride.
  • Now put the date and time in the blank box.
  • Next put the passenger info such as (luggage detail, pickup location and drop-off location) in the following box.
  • Next enter the Service type.
  • Then enter the Vehicle Type.
  • Next put the Notes in details.
  • Next mention your payment method either via Pay cash method or credit card.
  • Next apply Rate using Rate Table or you can also enter in manually.
  • Next review the Total and tap recalculate if made any changes in rates.
  • Click the Submit to create Reservation.

How to Edit the Reservation?

Well if you once created the reservation then it doesn’t meant that you can’t make any editing. Yes you can change anything anytime, you can edit a reservation from the Reservations Tab or Dispatch screen by just clicking on the job card.

Firstly the edit screen this permits you to change Status, Vehicle Type, Car, and Driver. If you want to edit more info or cancel any reservation, tap on three-dot menu in the top right corner of job card.

How to Dispatch Screen?

The Dispatch Screen of Limo Anywhere Mobile will display trips that have been Presented to driver, Accepted, or are in advancement (On the Way, Arrived, etc.)

Settings Screen

The Settings Screen of Limo Anywhere Mobile displays which User is logged in and lets user to log out anytime.

How to add new Account Limo Anywhere?

 Now follow these steps one by one to add a new account:

  1. Tap on the ‘Accounts’ icon in the toolbar.
  2. Pick the ‘Add New Account’ button.
  3. Mention the Account’s ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ (these are required fields).
  4. Pick the Company for this individual by tapping the down arrow to display the drop down list -or- enter the name of the Company. Helpful Hint: Entering the name of a Company that is not currently in the Limo Anywhere will create a new Company.
  5. (OPTIONAL STEP) mention the Department and/or Job Title.
  6. Pick the Account Type:
  • Billing Contact
  • Passenger
  • Booking Contact 
  • (OPTIONAL STEP) Put the Primary Address, City, State and Zip Code of the account.
  • (OPTIONAL STEP) Mention Notes as they apply to the account:

Internal/Private Notes: are for the limousine company personnel to use in managing the account.

Preferences/Trip Notes: Will populate into the reservation Trip Notes.

Driver Notes: Will appear on Driver Trip Sheets.

  • (OPTIONAL STEP) Select Settings on the account:

Passenger Priority: Normal (default), VIP, or VVIP

Status: Active or Inactive in Limo Anywhere

Web Access: Allow or Disallow

  1. (OPTIONAL STEP) Enter the Phone Numbers associated with this account.
  2. Enter an ‘Account Email Address’.
  3. Click the drop down list to select which types of communications will be sent to this ‘Account Email Address’:

Select All (default)


Payment Receipts



  1. (OPTIONAL STEP) pick from the ‘Restricted Drivers’ drop down list IF any drivers are to be not assigned to a trip for this account.
  2. (OPTIONAL STEP) choose from the ‘Restricted Cars’ drop down list IF any cars are to be not assigned to a trip for this account.
  3. (OPTIONAL STEP) select the applicable ‘Source’ form the drop down list.
  4. (OPTIONAL STEP) pick the applicable ‘Rental Agreement’.
  5. (OPTIONAL STEP) mention the Web Access User Name If the account is to be allowed Web Access. A temporary Web Access Password will be assigned by Limo Anywhere and the log-in information will be sent to the customer.
  6. Tap the ‘Save’ button.


So this were all about the Limo Anywhere and Limo Anywhere Login procedure. I hope this would be enough to you. In case you find any questions or queries, feel free to comment below in comment section. You can also give reviews if you have any related detail other than this. Anyhow Have a look at above given Article and must share with others. Regards! 🙂

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