ps4 controller on pc

How to use ps4 controller on pc on windows 10 | complete guide

So, if you’re reading this article then you might be here to know everything about PS4 controller on PC and How to use PS4 controller on PC on Windows 10. So, in this article we will be showing you the exact guide of how to use PS4 controller on PC and you’ll end up knowing everything related to it. So, without wasting more time, we shall move on and talk about the topic.

ps4 controller on pc
ps4 controller on pc

Everything you need to know about PS4 controller on PC

As we all know that connecting the Xbox with the computer is rather easy and absolutely straightforward, but connecting the PS4 controllers on PC isn’t a Mickey mouse game and you’ve to put a lot of effort in order to set you’re trying to do.

Install DS4 for Windows

The very first method which you’ve to try is to download the DS4 Windows and let things working for you. You might start wondering about the process might be hard as the name of the software, but this isn’t the case. Let us take you the steps of what to do next!

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  • Download the DS4 from the official website
  • A zip file shall be downloaded and you’ve to open it using Winrar and then run DS4windows.exe file
  • When you open the file, you’ll see an option Install the DS4 drivers
  • Once the drivers are installed, click on the finish button
  • Now open the setting and then go to the devices and then Bluetooth settings
  • Turn the Bluetooth on and make sure that the visibility is on too
  • Now press the controller button of PS4 and share button as well until the lights start to blink
  • Now go to the Bluetooth setting and connect the wireless controller with your PC
  • Now open the DS4 windows again and you’ll see a notification of your PS4 controller on PC are fully active

If your PC is creating some sort of problem, then you need to restart the PC and then try repeating the same method again. We assure you that you’re going to connect the PS4 controller on PC without any trouble. Only if you follow the steps right which are given above.

So, if you want to turn the PS4 off and wants to remove them from your computer, then here’s the complete guide of it too.

  • The first step of stopping the DS4 for windows is to open it
  • Once the software is opened, click on the stop button
  • Now go to the setting and then to the Bluetooth setting
  • Turn the Bluetooth off and everything will automatically be stopped
  • If you wish to reconnect the PS4 controller on PC, just repeat the method again which is given above and you’ll be reconnected

If you don’t have Bluetooth installed in your PC then you can connect the controllers through by the micro cable and then repeat the same steps.

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Install InputMapper software

There’s no direct solution to the PS4 controller on PC connection and this is why we are using the third-party software in order to do what you want to do. Let’s talk about the process of doing it.

  • Go to the official website of InputMapper software and then download it
  • Once the software is downloaded, open the zip file and extract it using Winrar
  • Now open the exe file and run it and then install the software
  • Now open the software and then go to the setting and then go to the Bluetooth settings
  • In the Bluetooth settings, turn on the Bluetooth
  • Now press the controller button of PS4 and share button as well until the lights start to blink
  • Now go to the Bluetooth setting and connect the wireless controller with your PC
  • Open the InputMapper software now and your controller shall be recognized automatically and you’ll be able to use them freely

If you’re unable to connect the controllers using this software then there might be chances that you’re having trouble with the Bluetooth settings. Turn on and off the PC and then try doing the same steps. Everything is going to work!

Note: There are few games which might not support the PS4 with your PC and you might be thinking that there’s a problem with your PS4 controllers. Please check the compatibility of the game with the controllers first and then go for the connecting of the controllers.

In a Nutshell

So, we have discussed almost every method in order to tell you related to PS4 controller on PC and we are really hopeful that this article has helped you in achieving what you’re striving for.

If you’ve any questions regarding the topic above, then feel free to comment down below. We will try to reach you as soon as possible and will surely answer your query.

Don’t forget to share this topic with your friends because they might love it too and it might be helpful for them as well because there’s hardly anyone in this world who doesn’t love to play games.

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