Download Bluestacks Offline Installer For Windows
If your android phone has less RAM or ROM and you want to try android on your Laptop/PC then bluestacks software can be your best companion in order to run different applications on a bigger screen. In this article, we are going to share information about the bluestacks offline installer and how can you download and install it for offline use. So let’s get started!
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Table of Contents
Bluestacks Offline Installer for Windows and Mac
Bluestacks allows you to install the software on your Windows operating system as well as MAC book. Now without wasting further time, let’s quickly go to the steps which you’re required to follow in order to know about bluestacks offline installer.
- Open your browser and go to the official website of bluestacks
- Select the operating system that you’ve installed in your computer and download the software
- The download will be started as soon as you hit the download button and it will take around 30 mins to download or depending upon your internet connection
- Run the installer and it will extract files, the process will take around 1-2 minutes and here’s how the files are going to get extracted
- After the completion of extraction, click on the next button so that you can go to the privacy policy page of the bluestacks offline installer. Here’s the screenshot of how you do it
- After accepting the privacy policy of bluestacks, you’ll be asked to enter the location where you want this bluestacks offline installer to be installed. Here’s the screenshot
- After selecting the location in your computer, click on next button to install the bluestacks, here’s the screenshot
- It will take around 1-3 minutes to complete the setup, depending upon the speed of your PC. Here’s the screenshot of how the installation process will look like
- Press the finish button and bluestacks will automatically be run on your computer for the first time and you have to do all the settings which you want for your bluestacks offline installer.
- You cannot download any application unless and until you login with your Google account and here’s the screenshot how the screen of bluestacks is going to look like
- Select the language that you want your bluestacks to run in and then go to next step. Here’s the screenshot of language settings
- Now after signing in to your Google account you can finally download anything of your choice from Google play store and play it on your emulator.
That’s all from the bluestacks offline installer, and if you have any question regarding this topic, then feel free to comment down below in the comment section we will try to reach you in a flash.
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Now as you have installed your emulator and you’ll be enjoying applications on your laptop/PC screen you can welcome to skip but if you want to know more about bluestacks offline installer then we are about to break some of the features that bluestacks has in it.
Bluestacks Features
Most of the people who has this software installed in their computer might be aware of these features that we are about to break down here but those who are installing bluestacks for the first time, then this guide is for you. So let’s get started!
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- You can play all the game which you can play on the android phone on your PC because bluestacks makes your PC turn into an android phone where you can download each and every android game/application of your choice and enjoy it
- If you’re willing to copy anything from bluestacks to your computer, then you can do that too. For instance, if you have installed Whatsapp on your bluestacks and you want to copy any picture or videos from your emulator to your PC then you can do it without any trouble
- Now, bluestacks allows you to play the 3d game on your PC because the modifications they did in the recent times are just appreciated by many and why not because you’re using this software for free
- In bluestacks, you can shrink the size of your application and can install any application within the storage of your computer. I mean, you can install the applications on any drive in your computer
- Now you can go live on with your friends and family on any of the application, for example, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. You can take this emulator as your mobile phone but with a bigger screen
- If your PC/Laptop has a front cam, then bluestacks allows you to capture pictures and making of videos. So what are you waiting for? Download tiktok and start making videos for fun
- Now you can enable notifications of bluestacks on your PC as well, all you have to do is to enable the notifications from the settings and you’re done. You’re never going to miss any application notification but the condition if your emulator must be in a running state
- You can enable and disable volume options within the game and can adjust your graphics for the games. All your games are going to play in HD because you’re running a phone application on your PC
- Now you can set GPS on your bluestacks operating system and if you want to book any ride on uber or careem then you can do that too.
That’s all from the bluestacks features list and we really hope that you’ve liked this article and this article has helped you in achieving what you were striving for. Cheers!
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