10 Tips For Creating A Successful Video Marketing Strategy
The whole world is working from home, and activity on the internet has grown tremendously. Social media has become a playing field for influencers, content creators, brands and businesses, who are all competing to grab attention. Video marketing is the new buzzword and brands and businesses are heavily reliant on this, especially social media marketing, to drive traffic to their pages.
Given the amount of time we spend on the internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit are quite easily the best places for brands and businesses to advertise their products. With optimized ads, they can drive traffic directly to their pages or websites and generate sales. Whether products or services, in this age of social media marketing, a video marketing strategy is an essential tool to have. All you need to get started is a video maker and success on social media is yours!
Here are 10 tips that will help you to start building a strategy for video marketing.
Table of Contents
1. Select the right video maker:
Depending on the kind of video marketing you want to engage in, you will have to choose a video maker accordingly. For instance, if your videos will mainly feature on Instagram stories or feed, Facebook and Twitter, then you can use a simple video maker like InVideo. This platform is web-based, works on Windows and MacOS and is optimized for Google Chrome. The best part is that this is completely free to use and does not even require a sign-up. Choose from free templates and filters and use features like text to video and automatic AI correction and mistake detection.
2. Brand consistency:
You have to know what your brand represents and stands for. Think of it as building a character. Your videos will reflect an image of your brand and you have to be consistent with that. Because people will relate to your brand based on this image. So, if you’re not consistent, then people will find it hard to relate to and therefore, your brand will lose relevance.
If you want to portray a quirky image, then your videos should represent that. If you want to keep it simple and elegant then stick to that. Do not mix styles as this will cause an identity crisis of sorts, which could be detrimental to social media growth.
3. Optimize your video so it shows up on search engines:
Just as SEO matters when it comes to internet content, it matters in video marketing too. Using the right optimization tools will help your video show up in searches quicker and it will gain more attention. This even gives you an edge over the competition.
4. Appeal to human emotions:
While this may seem like trivializing the issue, most successful videos on social media are successful because they target the emotions of viewers in some way. You can connect better with your audience if your video is emotional and meaningful, instead of something flat.
The best way to do this is to use current events, ongoing social issues, big emotions like love and fear, etc. Inspirational videos also have this effect. The more someone connects with the video, the more likely they are to act and maybe head to your website or remember your brand.
5. Make your videos informational or educational:
Being emotional is one way to go about it. Another strategy you can adopt is to get informative. People love watching videos that give them some information, teach them something valuable, no matter how random or irrelevant they may seem. Internet users, especially the young generation, love to use Google for random information.
So, if you want to get a message across to this inquisitive lot, throw in something interesting. It could be about the history of a big company, the journey of your small business, how some product is made, or what your workplace is like, etc.
6. Stick to the KISS method:
The KISS method is simple – “Keep It Short and Sweet”. There are other variations of this acronym like “Keep It Short and Simple” but the point remains unchanged. The key is to make sure the video is simple and short and doesn’t feel taxing or boring to the viewer. Internet users are bombarded with tons of videos everywhere, especially on social media. So, there is no lack of choice. If your video is in any way taxing to watch, the deal is off. Shorter format videos, packed with a message are the best option for a video marketing strategy.
7. Provide some value:
Following up the previous point, here is a question: why should a viewer choose to watch your video? The answer is simple – if it offers some value, then they should. You have to give the audience a reason to watch. Use images and sounds to create value so that the viewer doesn’t feel like they just wasted time watching your video. Provide something valuable and your viewers will come back for more.
8. Maintain a schedule:
You have probably heard this before, but the key to success on social media is consistency. The best influencers and content creators have an established audience because they are consistent. If you are making good content, then stay consistent and keep people engaged.
People will look forward to your videos and your potential consumer base will also grow. Capitalize on a good idea or strategy by staying consistent and making the best of your time in the spotlight. Whether you post once a week on Tuesdays, or once a month or twice a day, make sure to remain consistent.
9. Share as much as you can:
The more you share your video, the more eyeballs it can grab. Facebook might be the most popular choice for digital marketing but Instagram is also a good option. Post the content across several platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. It is not an easy task to make a video, so spread it everywhere and be proud of it. Use the presence of multiple platforms to your advantage and accelerate your growth on social media.
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10. Transcribe and translate your videos:
This is the best way to make sure your video is accessible to more people. Google and YouTube offer plenty of tools for these tasks and even your video maker may have inbuilt tools to transcribe and translate.
Keep these 10 tips in mind and design your video marketing strategy for success! The key is to reach as many people as possible because everyone is a potential customer.